Monday, August 25, 2014

Murdered: Soul Suspect review

Ghosts, old salem, a very cool detective(who was killed and is a ghost), and amazing stories. Sounded good to me! So I bought it and wow...there is more to this game than I expected. I thoroughly suggest grabbing it. It will grab you! Here's what made it so amazing...

       What is Murdered suspect? :
"Murdered Soul Suspect" is an investigative murder mystery game with many twists and elements which define it as a truly amazing experience.
The main character is Ronan, a detective who is killed by a mysterious figure known as the Bell Killer. Now a ghost, You must set out to uncover this serial killer to solve your own murder as well as many other events along the way.
Pretty neat right?  Well, it gets even better. The killer known as the bell killer has been targetting people and it's up to you to find out why. With the help of a teenaged medium who can see spirits, you set out to figure out what's going on and help more than one life...
Along the way you will uncover secrets about Ronan's past, and help many lost spirits find peace...
There's more. I thought this would either be
a. A horror game,
b. A boring detective game.
However, what I found was beyond all of that. Taking place in Salem Massachusetts, you are a dead yet very much alive spirit. The graphics in this game are beautiful.. For instance not only can you see the town but being a ghost you can see the remnants of Old Salem from the witch trial days as well as vanishing entities of villagers. Eerie.
                     The Enemy
in this game there ARE demons. Scary dementor looking things that will destroy you, but don't worry. You'll know when they're in the next room or area. What you need to do is hide in these wispy ghost pockets throughout the area. They can't see you in them. You have to sneak behind them and excercise them using a combo such as (up) (Y) after (RT) to initiate.  It can get pretty intense!!!

          Getting information and utilizing skills
As a ghost you can do many fun and interesting things. You can possess people, read their minds, influence them. Sometimes they think funny things.
-posess a cat. If you need to get past small areas you can find a cat. Pretty cool. Meow.

                      A deeper gameplay
And to make it more awesome you don't just solve 1 case . Along the way you will encounter many spirits who need your help to understand what happened to them to them as well as uncovering the story of Ronan and his wife who died. The problems of those you encounter are sometimes saddening, making this game a real emotional ride.
LOTS OF memories to uncover, artifacts to collect to unlock, and collections to unlock stories, this game is a beautiful, dark,  scary, sweet, and challenging game.

Of course, any investigative game should have crime scenes.  This one puts you right there. You must gather the evidence then conclude the investigation by selecting the important evidence or sometimes using is to possess and influence witnesses. Very fun part of the game. 

So basically...
This game is not too hard, not too long, and not too scary. It's the perfect blend of all elements. Did I mention how well it all falls together in the end? I haven't been able to stop playing.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Fit Girl game review

Game and Fit!

(fit girl)

I don't wanna be active because I love gaming!

Well, buddy! Turns out there's a lot of new games on the android and ios that take you on the go with it. In fact there's one in particular that get's me motivated to excercise. (Gotta be cosplay fit ya know :p) If you want more energy and stamina, check this amazing game out!

Ingress (ios, android)

The world around you is not what it seems.
What is ingress? I'm actually so excited about this one. Ingress is a GPS based game. in a world you must choose a faction, the enlightened or the resistance who want to enslave mankind. If you're enlightened, you are trying to advance the human world. 

Basically, there are portals all around you. At local parks, shops, and landmarks that are either green or blue showing who is in control of it. You must walk, bike, travel to that location and hack the portal. pretty neat! along the way you collect energy and meet allies. There are groups on Google plus that are local chapters of this game who will even drive to a location you need their help at. it's amazing fun and best part is, you can hop on your bike and take on the portals. How fun is exercising when you get to be a part of something amazing?

Give it a try. :p

Too fat to cosplay? A real issue in the world.

When you're told you're too fat to cosplay

A real Issue For many

I don't know how many times I've come across cosplayers on the web who are full figured and see them being laughed at, made fun of, and told that they shouldn't cosplay just because they are fat.
I decided to interview some curvier cosplayers to get a better idea of what they face in a world of conventions that favor flawless replicas of characters.
Just like the regular world, the cosplay world is a lot of times a world that judges based on weight and size.
Many are made to feel discouraged from playing a certain character because of their size difference.

          I interviewed a public cosplay model who goes by the name Curvy and runs Curvy Cosplay on Facebook. A cosplayer since 2010, She's continued to enjoy her love of what she does, despite some very nasty comments and mean people. 

Me: Have you ever faced negativity on your choices to cosplay certain characters because of being curvier?

C: I have, many inappropriate insults have been thrown my way but I never let them stop me, its
mostly ever been comments about not knowing my appropriate body type or leaving the skinny characters
to the tiny girls but in my opinion they see themselves as curvy based on boobs and butt as to where I believe
a real woman knows about real curves.

Me: Do you feel that you inspire other girls to go for what makes them happy by sharing your 


C: Thats my main goal being a cosplayer, not for the popularity or the likes or for publicity and free photos, I want girls be it small or big curves to feel confident with their body type and to do who ever or whatever makes them happy, I always tell girls that come to me beauty is inside and out but curves keep it all in place.

Me: Has cosplay helped you become a more confident woman?

It has, before I cosplayed I didnt ever take becoming a true woman to serious but cosplaying helped me learn to focus on my natural beauty and helped me take more pride in how i presented and portrayed myself to those I knew closely and even around complete strangers.

Well, after interviewing C, I must say that I am happy that people like her are out there, sharing what cosplaying is really about. Even if you're not overweight you should NEVER insult or degrade someone who is for doing something that makes them feel happy. One day we will see a better world of cosplay members, and by being kind and non judgemental, we can help make that happen.

Somone's weight, gender, etc. has nothing to do with what cosplay means. Cosplay exists for the person doing it and no one's bad opinions should matter. Grow up confident young girls and guys. We are who we are and cosplay loves us.

Eating on the run

Eating on the go: A cosplayer's diet

(gamers too. we know those games keep us a little too busy)
So you're reaching for that Fry across the table, determined like Frodo Climbing mount doom. You've stopped at a fast food place after the convention. it's really hard to eat right when you're on the go.
As a gamer and cosplayer, I know that challenge. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

 But at the same time I realize that to burn off the calories from my big fast food meal I WOULD have to climb mount doom. *le sigh*

So what can you do? (if you don't wanna starve and don't wanna gain too much weight.)

Well, unless you wanna end up not fitting into your costume, you should follow these on the go tips :]

1. snacks snacks snacks! I know snacks sounds like the ultimate unhealthy eater's paradise but snacks are very important and can be put together in a small amount of time. Think of energy. Find snacks that are high in protein and energy fueling sources for your body. Conventions and gaming sessions can take a lot out of you so fuel up people! You'll be less likely to run to fast food or junk if you take the time to prepare some small meals and snacks for the trip or game.

2. Stay hydrated and try to eat before arriving. The less fatigue you put on yourself, the more self control you'll have for choosing a good meal instead of loading up on fatty calories and bad food.

Because we all get angry when we don't eat.
3. If you're going with a group of friends, get them on board for maybe bringing pre prepared stuff as well as making decisions together. A support system. Being healthy means being healthy for life, so that we can keep doing all the things that we love.

                                                      together we can!

4. Just remember that it's important to stay hydrated and have fun.