Sunday, August 24, 2014

Eating on the run

Eating on the go: A cosplayer's diet

(gamers too. we know those games keep us a little too busy)
So you're reaching for that Fry across the table, determined like Frodo Climbing mount doom. You've stopped at a fast food place after the convention. it's really hard to eat right when you're on the go.
As a gamer and cosplayer, I know that challenge. "Ain't nobody got time for that!"

 But at the same time I realize that to burn off the calories from my big fast food meal I WOULD have to climb mount doom. *le sigh*

So what can you do? (if you don't wanna starve and don't wanna gain too much weight.)

Well, unless you wanna end up not fitting into your costume, you should follow these on the go tips :]

1. snacks snacks snacks! I know snacks sounds like the ultimate unhealthy eater's paradise but snacks are very important and can be put together in a small amount of time. Think of energy. Find snacks that are high in protein and energy fueling sources for your body. Conventions and gaming sessions can take a lot out of you so fuel up people! You'll be less likely to run to fast food or junk if you take the time to prepare some small meals and snacks for the trip or game.

2. Stay hydrated and try to eat before arriving. The less fatigue you put on yourself, the more self control you'll have for choosing a good meal instead of loading up on fatty calories and bad food.

Because we all get angry when we don't eat.
3. If you're going with a group of friends, get them on board for maybe bringing pre prepared stuff as well as making decisions together. A support system. Being healthy means being healthy for life, so that we can keep doing all the things that we love.

                                                      together we can!

4. Just remember that it's important to stay hydrated and have fun.

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